some of our baubles


A collection of some silly verses, mostly composed while travelling

Limerick castle

surprising geography

A collection of surprising geographical facts for your edification, astonishment and delight, revived and extended from my old Spinabit blog

Panama canal from Google Maps

Upsticks, downsticks

Merit award - Hampshire Music ServiceMy arrangement of the Upstairs, Downstairs theme for BBC Radio 4’s PM programme – broadcast during the week of 5 October 2009 – on YouTube

other videos

My other videos, mostly to do with comedy/satire and clog & morris dancing

My channel on YouTube

pre-Trafalgar animation

Dawn on 19 October 1805 revealed to Nelson’s frigates that the French & Spanish Combined Fleet was preparing to leave Cadiz. Two days of manoeuvring followed before the fleets met off Cape Trafalgar. This animated GIF tells the story hour by hour.
➤ The GIF

Pre-Trafalgar animation