tunes books – index

Foot TapperAlbatrossAlbatross
Fleetwood Mac
Foot TapperAnd I love herAnd I love her
Heron IslandAnniversary waltzAnniversary waltz
Heron IslandAnother fox dropAnother jig will do | Fox hunter's jig
Drops of brandy dropped
Heron IslandApacheApache
Foot TapperApacheApache
Heron IslandArkansas DemocratDark girl dressed in blue | Arkansas traveler
(or traveller)
Heron IslandArthur McBlanketArthur McBride | Snug in the blanket
Foot TapperArthur McBlanketArthur McBride | Snug in the blanket
trad. Ireland
Heron IslandAuld lang syneAuld lang syne
Heron IslandAuntie's jigsLillibulero | Barwick Green
aka BBC World Service theme | aka the Archers theme
IliffAuntie's jigsLillibulero | Barwick green
trad. England/Ireland | Arthur Wood
IliffAustin setFour up | Durham Rangers | Double lead through
Heron IslandBalquhidder lassesBalquhidder lasses
Heron IslandBeatles medleyHard day's night | Please please me
Foot TapperBernie LindUncle Bernard's | Jenny Lind
trad. Ireland | trad. Finland
Foot TapperBlue starBlue star
Foot TapperBond themeBond theme
Monty Norman
AldbrickhamBourrées de NatalanBourrée Leblanc / Bourrée Hervé
Heron IslandBrave Scot risingScotland the Brave
tune is also in 208 Bravecock
Heron IslandBravecockScotland the Brave » Cock of the North
first tune is also in 238 Brave Scot Rising
Foot TapperBright lightsI want to see the bright lights tonight
Richard Thompson
Foot TapperCarthy's lemonCarthy's march | The lemon tree
Dave Swarbrick
AldbrickhamCast off 6Nancy's fancy
AldbrickhamCastleriggClick go the shears | Swannee river | Harvest home
Heron IslandCastlerigg 32Click go the shears | Swannee River | Harvest home
AldbrickhamCath nah coilleachThe lilting banshee
AldbrickhamCath nah coilleachBochd liath nan gobhar
Foot TapperChattanooga choo chooChattanooga choo choo
Harry Warren / Glenn Miller band
AldbrickhamCornish paddle danceCock in britches
IliffCymru setCadair Idris | Pant corlan yr ŵyn | Rhyfelgyrch Gwŷr Harlech
aka Sweet Jenny Jones | Lamb’s fold vale | Men of Harlech
Foot TapperDakotaDakota
AldbrickhamDance for JoyPant corlan yr ŵyn
aka The lamb's fold vale
Foot TapperDance onDance on
Heron IslandDashing White SergeantDashing White Sergeant
AldbrickhamDerry down DerrySalmon tails up the water
see now 315
Foot TapperDill pickles ragDill pickles rag
Charles L Johnson
Heron IslandDirty linenLast night's fun | Paddy on the railroad | Drops of brandy | Poll ha'penny
AldbrickhamDonkey ridingDonkey riding
AldbrickhamDorset 4Dorset four-hand reel
AldbrickhamDouble lead throughDouble lead through
Heron IslandDouble WinsterDouble lead through | Winster gallop
AldbrickhamDown back't shoddyLochmaben hornpipe
IliffDubya's defense setBottom of the punchbowl | East Neuk o’Fife
trad. Scotland
AldbrickhamDummer 5Girl I left behind me | Rose tree
AldbrickhamDurham reelDurham Rangers
aka The merry Sherwood Rangers
Foot TapperEight days a weekEight days a week
IliffEntertainerThe Entertainer
Scott Joplin 1902
Heron IslandFanny & HumptyFanny Frail | Off she goes
Off she goes aka Humpty Dumpty
AldbrickhamFather O'Flynn & Irish wedding danceFather O'Flynn | Irish washerwoman
Foot TapperFather Ted themeFather Ted theme
adapted from Songs of love
Foot TapperFBIFBI
Heron IslandFiery PythonFiery clockface | The Liberty bell
Foot TapperFiery pythonFiery clockface | Liberty bell
trad. England | Sousa
IliffFlatback caperMiss Susan Cooper | The friar's britches | The sport of the chase | Carolan’s concerto
tune 2 aka Frieze breeches
AldbrickhamFlitter danceFlitter dance
Foot TapperFlyder and the spyFlyder and the spy
Foot TapperFoot tapperFoot tapper
Foot TapperFrench ambassador setFrench ambassador | Nonesuch
Foot TapperFrightened cityFrightened city
IliffGas cat 3The gas almost works | The cat on the mixer | 3 left feet
John Kirkpatrick | Maartin Allcock x 2
Foot TapperGeronimoGeronimo
AldbrickhamGlasgow HighlandersGlasgow Highlanders
Heron IslandGodivaHorse's bransle | Bear dance
Horse's bransle aka Horse's brawl aka Bransle de chevaux
Foot TapperGodivaHorse's bransle | Bear dance
Arbeau | trad. Flanders
AldbrickhamGwent reelPibddawns Jones
aka Llanofer aka Jones's hornpipe
AldbrickhamHands AcrossCockle gatherers
aka ’S trusaidh mi na Coilleagan
Heron IslandHappy birthdayHappy birthday to you
aka Good morning to all
Foot TapperHard day's nightHard day's night
AldbrickhamHardy 5Enrico
aka Nelson's hornpipe
AldbrickhamHebridean weaving liltOrange & blue
aka Brochan lom
Heron IslandHesleyskerrySpootiskerry | Hesleyside (G&A)
AldbrickhamHullachan reelTobin's favourite | Tell her I am
AldbrickhamHullachan roundaboutHullachan jig
Heron IslandHunsup through the woodsHunsup through the woods
Heron IslandHunt the Nick NackDavy Nick Nack | Huntsman's chorus
Foot TapperI want to hold your handI want to hold your hand
Foot TapperIf I fellIf I fell
Heron IslandIM85The riverhead | Gladys' Leap | The wise maiden
AldbrickhamKielder schottischeCastles in the air
Foot TapperKon Tiki (in B)Kon Tiki
Shadows version is in A
Heron IslandLancashire DickOld Lancashire reel | Dick's maggot
AldbrickhamLancs 3 reel & Lancs stepsOff to California
AldbrickhamLily of LagunaLily of Laguna
Foot TapperLily of LagunaLily of Laguna
music hall
AldbrickhamLiverpool hornpipeLiverpool hornpipe
Foot TapperLondon kidLondon kid
JM Jarre
Heron IslandLord InchquinLord Inchquin
Foot TapperMaggie MayMaggie May
Rod Stewart
Foot TapperMake me smileMake me smile (come up and see me)
Steve Harley
Foot TapperMamma miaMamma mia
Foot TapperMan of mysteryMan of mystery
AldbrickhamManchester hornpipeThe Manchester
aka Rickett's hornpipe
AldbrickhamManx dance for 3Daunse son troor
Heron IslandMatty GrovesMatty Groves
AldbrickhamMichael Turner's waltzMichael Turner's waltz
AldbrickhamMiss GaytonMiss Gayton
Foot TapperMoonlight shadowMoonlight shadow
Foot TapperMozart forteMozart forte
AldbrickhamMrs MarhoffDorsetshire hornpipe
AldbrickhamMrs MarhoffCollege hornpipe
Heron IslandMy Love's a JoyMy love is but a lassie yet | Soldier's joy
first tune is also in 236 My Love’s an Atholl
Heron IslandMy love's an AthollMy love she's but a lassie yet | Atholl Highlanders
first tune is also in 206 My Love’s a Joy
IliffMyra's jigMyra’s jig
Foot TapperNight beforeNight before
IliffNights in MadridNights in Madrid
Boccherini - Night music from the streets of Madrid
Heron IslandNorth IndiesWillafjord (Caribbean stylee)
Heron IslandOld Joe BakerOld Joe Clark | Angeline the baker
AldbrickhamOld LancsTip top polka
or 206 Soldier's joy (or a capella)
Heron IslandOwl's wayWill's way | The dancing oolert
IliffPachelbel canonCanon in D (excerpt)
Johann Pachelbel (1653-1706)
AldbrickhamPat Tracey waltzOrange in bloom
aka The Sherbourne waltz
Heron IslandPaul Anderson's hornpipePaul Anderson's hornpipe
Foot TapperPeace pipePeace pipe
IliffPinball wizardPinball wizard
Foot TapperPlease please mePlease please me
Heron IslandPlough the CastleSpeed the plough | Roxburgh Castle
Heron IslandPrincess RoyalPrincess Royal
Foot TapperPrincess RoyalPrincess Royal
trad. England
Heron IslandPterodactyl two-stepPterodactyl two-step | Drowsy dragon
Foot TapperPterodactyl twostepPterodactyl twostep
Huw & Tony Williams
AldbrickhamRagtimeDill pickles rag
Heron IslandRandom jigRandom jig
AldbrickhamReturn the blowReturn the blow
aka Frog dance aka Hyndaa y builley
Heron IslandRigs of MarloweRigs of Marlowe
aka Galway Piper aka Rakes of Mallow
Foot TapperRise and fall of Flingel BuntRise and fall of Flingel Bunt
AldbrickhamRondeaux de NatalanLe Premier de Mai / Rondeau Maria
Rondeau Maria aka Rondeau Cazalis
Heron IslandSalmon of EnnisSalmon tails up the water | Siege of Ennis
AldbrickhamSammy Bell's exhibition hornpipeWoodland flowers
aka Mrs Kenny’s barndance, aka The shit cart polka
AldbrickhamSammy Bell's waltzMerry widow | Daisy Daisy | Dicky bird
Foot TapperSatisfactionSatisfaction
Rolling Stones
AldbrickhamSauerländer 5Sauerländer quadrille nr. 5
Foot TapperShazam!Shazam!
Heron IslandShe'll be comin' round SusannahShe'll be comin' round the mountain | Oh Susannah!
AldbrickhamShepherd's crookDuke of Gordon's
AldbrickhamShepherd's heyShepherd's hey
AldbrickhamShetland 4Olliford Jack
AldbrickhamShetland 5Jeannie shock da bairn
aka The bride's welcome home
AldbrickhamShetland 6 with New reel of MannWillafjord / New reel of Mann
AldbrickhamShetland sixpenny reelWillafjord | Auld reel
Foot TapperShindigShindig
Heron IslandShintapperFoot tapper | Shindig
Foot TapperSierra delta charlieStaines morris | Dam busters | The galop ("can-can")
Foot TapperSilence is goldenSilence is golden
Heron IslandSkye boat songSkye boat song
Foot TapperSpaghetti suiteSixty seconds to what? | For a few dollars more | The good, the bad and the ugly
Heron IslandSpootiskerrySpootiskerry
AldbrickhamSquare petronellaEgan's polka
AldbrickhamSt Agnes waltzFeminist warcry
aka Fanny Power
Heron IslandStaines morrisStaines morris
Foot TapperStrike themeI walk beside you
Johnston, Letts
Heron IslandSummer is icumen inSummer is icumen in
Heron IslandSwedish masqueradeSwedish masquerade
Heron IslandSweet DingleDingle Regatta | Sweets of May
Foot TapperTelstarTelstar
Heron IslandThe blackbirdThe blackbird
Heron IslandThe entertainerThe entertainer (first bit)
Foot TapperTheme for young loversTheme for young lovers
Foot TapperThing-me-jigThing-me-jig
Foot TapperThings we said todayThings we said today
IliffThomas the TankTheme from Thomas the Tank Engine
Mike O’Donnell & William Campbell 1984
Heron IslandThree around threeThree around three
Heron IslandTramp racesBlaydon races | Tramp tramp tramp
Heron IslandUpton the stickiphantUpton stick dance | Nellie the elephant
Foot TapperWalk don't boogie 24x7Walk don't run | Yes sir, I can boogie | Rock around the clock
Foot TapperWalk don't rock 24x7Walk don’t run | Rock around the clock
rock & roll
Foot TapperWall of deathWall of death
Richard Thompson
Heron IslandWar & peaceBritish Grenadiers | Ode to joy | Rule Britannia
Foot TapperWarlordWarlord
not sure of the tune name
Heron IslandWee Georgia blueFive foot two, eyes of blue | Sweet Georgia Brown
AldbrickhamWestmoreland 3White cockade
AldbrickhamWestmoreland 5Durham Rangers
aka The merry Sherwood Rangers
AldbrickhamWestmoreland square 8My love she's but a lassie yet
see now 206 & 236
Foot TapperWhile my guitar gently weepsWhile my guitar gently weeps
IliffWicked gameWicked game
Chris Isaak
Heron IslandWillafjordiddyWillafjord | Do wah diddy diddy
AldbrickhamWiltshire 6 hand reelWiltshire 6 hand reel
IliffWindy JessJessica | The wind that shakes the barley
Betts | Joyce
Foot TapperWonderful landWonderful land
Heron IslandWonderful SherwoodWonderful land | Merry Sherwood Rangers
Heron IslandYakety saxYakety sax
IliffYou're wondering nowYou're wondering now
Dodd - theme from Death in Paradise (BBC)
Foot TapperYou've got to hide your love awayYou've got to hide your love away
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