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cuddly tick bird noun

Hand-crafted birthday present for Naomi comprising a long white-bodied, yellow beaked, soft and cuddle-able tick bird, with appallingly prickly feet fashioned out of wire covered in sticky black insulating tape


A Cuddly tick bird is what Naomi had asked for. The present was fashioned by Evelyn, with feet by Pa


King family – 1960s??
Naomi’s family growing up


For a subsequent birthday, Naomi got a Mr Cuddly Tick Bird along the same lines, and eventually a nest with eggs in it, from one of which a baby tick bird was emerging. Their common feature was not cuddliness but prickliness

Submitted: 01/03/2022 by Mark ● Last updated: 01/03/2022 20:05 by Mark

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