Iliff-King phrasebook Iliff-King phrasebook

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kiwi noun

Kilowatt-hour (kWh), the usual unit for measuring energy production, storage and consumption at the individual/household level


1. This car has a 50 kiwi battery
2. Shocking winter! We were using 80 kiwis of gas a day


Mark’s attempt to save everyone two syllables. It failed to catch on in the wider world


Mark – 2021
Mark Iliff – owner


It’s 1 kW for 1 hour. Or 2 kW for ½ hr. Or 100 W for 10 hr. It’s as simple as that… until you discover someone has made a 10 minute video to explain it, when you start to wonder if there’s more to it. There isn’t.

Submitted: 24/04/2023 by Mark ● Last updated: 17/12/2024 12:32 by Mark

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