Iliff-King phrasebook Iliff-King phrasebook

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King Midas has ass’s ears expression or saying

The sound of rustling grasses


From the ancient Greek myth concerning Midas (not the touch-it-and-it-turns-to-gold one but the other one). Midas was given donkey’s ears by Pan as punishment for his poor musical taste (in Pan’s opinion). Only his barber knew, but he had to tell someone so he dug a hole in a field and told it. But reeds sprung up there, and the rest is myth


King family – 1960s?
Naomi’s family growing up


Most sources I found give it as “asses’ ears” which implies ≥4 ears, compounding the punishment in ways that a good story ought to address. That’s why I’ve gone with “ass’s ears”

Submitted: 24/01/2023 by Mark ● Last updated: 22/10/2023 11:33 by Mark

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