Iliff-King phrasebook Iliff-King phrasebook

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second coffee noun

Weak brew made by re-steeping grounds that have already been used to make the nice coffee


Clare – 1950s
Westerhoff (King, Claydon) – sibling of Naomi


Associated with the Anglo-Indian community in early- to mid-20ᵗʰ C India, where a household might include “a whole lot of loosely related, or in some cases, not even loosely related, hangers-on: maiden aunts, disgraced uncles, probably some of whom may have been disabled in some way … the hangers-on were always provided for, but … more or less generously, depending on the household.” It was to the less industrious of these hangers-on that second coffee would be provided.

Thanks to Clare for help with this entry

See also

ancestor tea | PAC

Submitted: 28/01/2022 by Mark ● Last updated: 29/01/2022 00:28 by Mark

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