Iliff-King phrasebook Iliff-King phrasebook

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oomagoolie noun

Umami, the one of the five basic tastes that didn’t have an English word (so we took the Japanese one)


Cherished malapropism


Naomi – 2020s
Naomi Iliff (King) – owner


In reaching for the right word and missing, Naomi possibly had in mind the rugby song¹ Wild West Show², a family favourite. One of the many verses concerns the Oomagoolie Bird, which has short legs and large testes: it cries “oo ma goolies” upon landing.

¹more a cante fable than a song
²aka The Hamburg Show aka Larry, Turn the Crank

Submitted: 21/11/2021 by Mark ● Last updated: 17/08/2023 23:43 by Mark

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