Iliff-King phrasebook Iliff-King phrasebook

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susu noun

Breast; breast milk.


From New Guinea pidgin. “Susu bilong mama em i nambawan kaikai bilong ol pikanini” translates as “mother’s milk is the best food for a baby”


Clare – 1970s
Westerhoff (King, Claydon) – sibling of Naomi


The word “susu” as a demand/request to be fed spread to the California Kings and the story is told of Zoe, loudly and plaintively, demanding susu during a church service. That no-one other than the King family knew the word meant must have saved some explanations

See also

susu bilong bulmacow

Submitted: 01/03/2022 by Mark ● Last updated: 01/03/2022 20:04 by Mark

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