Callback to:
Cheerum chorum chaw chocalorum
Pinga Ninga nee-nay
Pinga ninga nay
Very werry goshy washy tie tie tingo
Very werry goshy washy
Goshy washy tingo
…or something along those lines
A nonsense song (it has a shockingly memorable tune) of unknown origin
Granny Dixon – 1960s
Marion Dixon (Howes) – mother of Mum, spouse of Pop
Thanks to Bel for recovering the words
I learn that chocalorum might actually be chicalorum
I always associated this with Granny in North Wales.
—Annabel, 28 Nov 2023
@Annabel: I think you're right. When Mum used it she was quoting Granny. Edited.
—Mark Iliff, 28 Heron Island, 28 Nov 2023