Iliff-King phrasebook Iliff-King phrasebook

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here’s a tanner each to go away expression or saying

Mental reaction to carol singers knocking the door. Can be literal or ironic. Would not actually be voiced


Jane-Marie and Mark went carol singing along the Epsom Road, W Horsley, one year to raise money for a local hospital to buy a betatron (a type of particle accelerator). They didn’t know why. This was their reception at one house, preceded by “Oh my godfathers!”.

To be fair, the woman did stump up the tanner each


Iliff family – 1960s
Mark’s family growing up


Tanner = 6d = 2½p

Submitted: 11/08/2021 by Mark ● Last updated: 19/08/2021 12:56 by Mark

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