Iliff-King phrasebook Iliff-King phrasebook

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are we gentry or do we stack? expression or saying

In practice it seemed to mean “I’m clearing the table now” between the courses of a meal, though none of us made much sense of it at the time


Much later we worked out that it was a mild rebuke for sitting there waiting for servants to clear, as gentry would


Granny – 1950s
Marion Dixon (Howes) – mother of Mum, spouse of Pop

Submitted: 05/07/2022 by Mark


 Ah - I have only now got it… it never triggered me into action as I just thought it was something I didn’t understand being said between adults

—Annabel, 28 Nov 2023

 @Annabel: When it says "much later" in Origin it means >50 years… It's relatively recently that I twigged!

—Mark, 11 Dec 2023

any thoughts?

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