Iliff-King phrasebook Iliff-King phrasebook

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turn the knob on your side expression or saying

Consciously unhelpful advice to someone struggling to get a door open. The ritual reply is “I haven’t got a knob on my side”


From a Goon Show, collected from a BU Rowing Club chum


M & N – 1970s
Mark & Naomi


Eccles: How do I get over to where you are?
Bluebottle: Turn the knob on your side.
Eccles looks forlornly down at his hips.
Eccles: But I don’t have a knob on my side.
(script by Spike Milligan)

Submitted: 25/11/2023 by Mark ● Last updated: 29/09/2024 15:32 by Mark

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