Iliff-King phrasebook Iliff-King phrasebook

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word association football noun

Word association


From a classic Monty Python sketch delivered by John Cleese, before he went to the dark side, that uses word association recursively but still manages to make sense


M & N – 1973
Mark & Naomi


Tonight’s the night I shall be talking about of flu the subject of word association football. This is a technique out a living much used in the practice makes perfect of psychoanalysister and brother and one that has occupied piper the majority rule of my attention squad by the right number one two three four the last five years to the memory. It is quite remarkable baker charlie how much the miller’s son this so-called while you were out word association immigrants’ problems influences the manner from heaven in which we sleekit cowering timrous beasties all-American Speke, the famous explorer. And the really well that is surprising partner in crime is that a lot and his wife of the lions’ feeding time we may be c d e effectively quite unaware of the fact or fiction section of the Watford Public Library that we are even doing it is a far, far better thing that I do now then, now then, what’s going onward christian Barnard the famous hearty part of the lettuce now praise famous mental homes for loonies like me. So on the button, my contention causing all the headaches, is that unless we take into account of Monte Cristo in our thinking George the Fifth this phenomenon the other hand we shall not be able satisFact or Fiction section of the Watford Public Library againily to understand to attention when I’m talking to you and stop laughing about human nature, man’s psychological make-up some story the wife’ll believe and hence the very meaning of life itselfish bastard, I’ll kick him in the Balls Pond Road.
—Monty Python’s Flying Circus (Matching tie & handkerchief album 1973)

Submitted: 11/08/2024 by Mark

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