Iliff-King phrasebook Iliff-King phrasebook

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One I love, Two I love, Three I love, I say song/verse fragment

Callback to:
One I love
Two I love
Three I love, I say.
Four I love with all my heart
Five I cast away.
Six he loves
Seven she loves
Eight they both love.
Nine he comes,
Ten he tarries,
Eleven they court,
Twelve they marry.
Thirteen they quarrel
Fourteen they part
Fifteen one dies of a broken heart


Chant used to count fruit stones (pits) after eating pies, crumbles and other dishes if they contain plums, greengages or the like


Granny Collard – 1930s?
Margaret Collard – mother of Evelyn


Alternate last line:
Fifteen one dies of a smelly fart

Submitted: 04/03/2022 by Mark ● Last updated: 05/03/2022 22:08 by Mark

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