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are you all sitty comfibowl two-square on your botty? expression or saying

Are you sitting comfortably?


The opening line of the story Happiness Stan, which forms side 2 of the Small Faces’ 1968 LP Ogden’s Nut-Gone Flake, narrated by the gloriously batty comic actor Stanley Unwin


M & N – 1970s
Mark & Naomi


Unwin developed his comic language Unwinese for the 1961 film Carry On Regardless, and just kept going with it… carried on regardless, you might say.

His narration on the album begins “Are you all sitty comfy bowl two-square on your botty? Then I’ll begin. Like all real-life experience story this also begins once upon a polly-ti-to.”

See also


Submitted: 20/10/2024 by Mark ● Last updated: 15/12/2024 10:50 by Mark

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