Iliff-King phrasebook Iliff-King phrasebook

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I’ll give you jingle jangle! expression or saying

I shall deal harshly with any further recalcitrance


One house at Mark’s school was moved to put on the play The Quare Fellow (Brendan Behan 1954), and the line caught on among the year group sentenced to watch it


Mark – 1968-ish
Mark Iliff – owner


”The play is a grimly realistic portrait of prison life in Ireland in the 1950s, and a reminder of the days in which homosexuality was illegal and the death penalty relatively common”

I don’t think we much understood any of that at the time, and I suspect the nice English toffs murdering Irish accents on-stage didn’t either. We lived for the humorous moments. Of which there were none.

Submitted: 21/11/2024 by Mark ● Last updated: 22/11/2024 10:44 by Mark

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