This site is for the Mark & Naomi Iliff family. For Mark’s work persona go to Talespinner
Act of self-pleasure
From a Steve Bell cartoon in The Guardian around the time of the Falklands War
Mark – 1980s
Mark Iliff – owner
Follows the template of Cockney rhyming slang, eg:
look = butcher’s [hook]
suit = whistle [& flute]
tie = Peckham [Rye]
hair = Barnet [Fair]
head = loaf [of bread]
money = bread [& honey]
cheque = Gregory [Peck]
mate = china [plate]
prick = Hampton [Wick]
arse = Khyber [Pass]
fart = raspberry [tart]
titty = Bristol [city]
wig = syrup [of figs]
starvin’ = Hank [Marvin]
…though I disdain to include berk!