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pasteurised is best expression or saying

Reflexive response to use of the word pasteurised


From the song Ernie (the fastest milkman in the west), written & performed by Benny Hill


M & N – 1971
Mark & Naomi


The relevant lines:
She said she’d like to bathe in milk, he said, “All right, sweetheart,”
And when he’d finished work one night he loaded up his cart
He said, “D’you want it pasteurised? Cause pasteurised is best,”
She says, “Ernie, I’ll be happy if it comes up to my chest.”

Submitted: 07/01/2024 by Mark ● Last updated: 07/01/2024 10:46 by Mark


 Sam, instead of saying the word, always goes mute mid sentence and, with eyes sparkling, moves his closed hand from right to left in front of his face, when referring to his grandmother's (Clare) apple juice which is pasteurized for storage through the winter. (Past your eyes).

—, 11 Jan 2024

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